June 18, 2016

Demigod Review

Demigod is a MOBA game released on PC in 2009 and is now currently on Steam.  Interestingly to note, it was released shortly before League of Legends during the same year.

Click the link to read more!

Check me out playing the game here:  Demigod - Livestream 1


Fight alongside your 4 allies and battle the enemy team to destroy their citadel before they destroy yours!  Only the best combatants will be victorious!  Teamwork and time management are key!


For a game from 2009, this game actually looks pretty decent.  The characters look quite detailed, and even when you zoom in, it doesn't really show its age too badly.

An issue I found is that a lot of the demigod characters will blend in with minions, making it difficult to tell what is going on during large battles involving demigods and minions.  Minions get progressively larger and more powerful during matches, so this only compounds the issue.  The battlefield is a little too cluttered and difficult to decipher sometimes.

You get better at deciphering it as time goes on, but it still could be easier to see things.


Sound seems to get a little muddled on the battlefield.  Audio isn't very clear and it isn't easy to tell when an enemy is using an ability.  Audio doesn't seem to give many important cues, or at least it doesn't make them noticeable enough, making it difficult to react to abilities on the battlefield.


Reasonably well designed interface.  Unlike more popular MOBAs, the shop system is somewhat understandable to a MOBA newbie, and it doesn't require hours of gameplay to just understand how it works.

The mini-map is laid out clearly and it provides you with much important information in the heat of the battle, although it doesn't allow you to click on it to quickly shift your view to a specific part of the map.


Again, reasonably intuitive, like most MOBAs are.  Click to use abilities, and use hotkeys to activate said abilities.  Your usual MOBA stuff.

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Definitely very slow paced compared to League and DOTA.  You have a lot of time to react to threats (Which is a good thing because it's hard to see threats in this game), and characters move pretty slow, and this is not a bad thing in the least.  It gives the game a very unique flavor and style which makes it worth a look. 

This slow pace of gameplay puts a lot more emphasis on strategy, time management, and objective control than outplaying your opponents in flashy battles.  There are multiple flags on the map, each giving you a unique effect if you control it.  You have to prioritize which flags are more important for your team to control at any given moment.


A reasonably good MOBA with a different and unique feel from other MOBAs.  Definitely worth a look if you are into the genre.  You may find that you really enjoy it!

  • Pros:

    Slow paced battles put more emphasis on strong tactics and character placement
    Highly informative and simple to understand interface.
  • Cons:

    Unclear visuals and muffled sounds make it difficult to tell what is going on at times.

SCORE:  8.25 / 10

Do you agree?  Let me know what you thought in the comments below!

Check me out playing the game here:  Demigod - Livestream 1

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